A leader in the package delivery industry realized that it was time to upgrade their facilities to become more efficient. We worked with them on designing and installing an HMI upgrade to convert their material handling operations from a manual system of unloading/loading boxes to an automated one. Some plants were completely manual operations that we upgraded and fully automated.
The computer system that controls the conveyor lines, motors, and gates was also upgraded in plants throughout the country. This upgrade automated the line so that the belts would shutdown when material was backing up and the belts were integrated to start up as a system instead of each belt being individually controlled. We also put all the plants online so that they can be monitored from a single location which allows the plants to have remote assistance in dealing with downtimes.
The following table provides details about this automation upgrades to HMI systems and controls project. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us directly.
HMI Upgrade
Shipping & Material Handling
U.S.A.-Various Locations
Customer Specifications
Upgrades of HMI Systems & Controls